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The salvation army
Because stability and structure
change lives for GOOD.
​The Need
Self-sufficiency…a primary goal for most of us. The Salvation Army’s Lied Transitional Housing Program provides the final step toward self-sufficiency for many of our clients. The program provides an opportunity for individuals to develop life skills, personal structure and confidence.
How It Works
While living in one of 69 apartments located on the Owens Campus, clients are provided case management and educational opportunities to learn personal finance and other skills which they put into practice in a semi-structured environment.
Many clients have recently begun a new job and this program allows them to put in place habits that will create self-sufficiency. Clients can remain in an apartment for up to 12 months which allows them to save enough money to step into a more permanent solution on their own at the end of their stay with The Salvation Army.
"The coordination of these services providing housing and complementary service programs is a critical component of achieving the goal of preventing and ending homelessness."
-U.S.Department of Health and Human Services: Strategic Action Plan on Homelessness
​How You Can Partner With Us
Simply put, the good work we do is made possible by good people like you. Together, we provide more than shelter and food. We provide the ability to break out of the cycle of poverty.
For $2,500, you can sponsor one apartment for an entire year.
The men and women who complete the program are given the tools to create lives that are happy, rewarding, and productive – for themselves, and for our community.
To learn more about how your gift can make a difference in the lives of men and women striving to transform their lives, please reach out to Homer Smith, Donor Relations Director, to learn more about this amazing program.
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